Saturday, March 19, 2011

Help Kickstart a CD - A Mortal Planet-CD Fundraising Campaign

Musicians are continually finding creative means as indie artists to finance the resources needed to record new music. Recording studio time is not cheap. The Greencards have their Buy a Brick program; others have used house concerts as pledges. Now through, musicians can create campaigns to raise the necessary funds in exchange for in-kind gifts from the artist. These may include concert tickets, CDs, posters, or even a house concert - in exchange for a set contribution. Our pal, Peyton Tochterman just released his A Mortal Planet-CD Fundraising Campaign. He hopes to raise $4,000 and is about a quarter of the way with a month remaining. Fellow Charlottesville musicians, Sons of Bill, are actually over their target - but there is still almost two weeks left for their campaign. Musicians do reach their goal;  as evident by the Jamie Mclean Band and Caroline Herring. Support local music and take a look.

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