Thursday, February 7, 2013

Album Review: Chris Knight - Little Victories

For the past, oh, I don't know, ten years, Chris Knight has been writing and recording songs that have affected my conscious more than any songwriter. I'm talking about Enough Rope, Dirt, Long Black Highway, and Crooked Road; all songs that describe the determination and anguish of country life. Knight continues that feat with Little Victories - another gritty and raw release that is both political and powerful.  It starts with the first track In The Mean Time with "Sometimes I wonder where my next dollar gonna come from...I keep my head up, if sumptin' falls out of the sky". Then there's the title track, where Knight trades verses with John Prine. "Little Victories" seems to sum up life the last few years. So does You Can't Trust No One - with "can't we all come together" but "pack a picnic lunch ..and pack your gun". My favorite tracks: Out of This Whole and Hard Edges - back from Trailer Tapes. And, yes, Chris Clark is back on mandolin. Knight does it again.

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